J-Global TeamTalent™
PeerLearning Academy
“Everyone is a teacher, everyone is a learner”
A better way to transfer key knowledge throughout your organization.
PeerLearning Academy helps you capture, disseminate and preserve the expertise that already exists in your organization by turning your staff into active teachers and learners.

Unlike traditional OTJ and peer-to-peer learning practices, PeerLearning Academy systematizes peer learning so that learning is standardized, high quality, and sustained in an organization-wide learning structure. PeerLearning Academy is ideal for transferring expertise from Japanese experts to local staff.
The traditional way of transferring knowledge.

J-Global TeamTalent™
PeerLearning Academy
“Everyone is a teacher, everyone is a learner”
A better way to transfer key knowledge throughout your organization.
PeerLearning Academy helps you capture, disseminate and preserve the expertise that already exists in your organization by turning your staff into active teachers and learners.

Unlike traditional OTJ and peer-to-peer learning practices, PeerLearning Academy systematizes peer learning so that learning is standardized, high quality, and sustained in an organization-wide learning structure. PeerLearning Academy is ideal for transferring expertise from Japanese experts to local staff.
The traditional way of transferring knowledge.
Traditional OJT
- The methods are not standardized.
- One-time learning, not sustained or repeated.
- Works poorly across cultures.
- Not comprehensive: some skills may not be transferred.
- Results are incidental and unmeasured.
Change to a new, more effective way of peer-to-peer learning.

- A structured system of learning.
- Learning is repeatable and shareable.
- Learning methods are fit to purpose.
- Learning is captured in an accessible, searchable resource.
- Outcomes are measured and tracked.
PeerLearning Academy: A comprehensive 3-phase program
1. Planner
A half-day online Peer Learning planning workshop. Work with key stakeholders to identify learning needs and plan the objectives and scope of a PeerLearning system.
2. Implementor
A 10-day intensive PeerLearning implementation engagement. Match learners and teachers and provide skill and tools to start a P2P learning session.
Build a comprehensive, accessible and searchable repository of learning resources. All live learning sessions are recorded and preserved so that all can continue to learn.
PeerLearning Academy process

Client Opinions on Team Talent™
“J-Global has provided digital learning solutions to help transform your business.”
Global marketing manager
Manufacturing industry

Client Opinions on Team Talent™
“J-Global has provided digital learning solutions to help transform your business.”
Global marketing manager
Manufacturing industry